
Posts Tagged ‘the four year old’

As a stay at home mom, I do have some work that I need to get done. Today I had, HAD, H-A-D to get some laundry done. But it seems like every time I leave the room, my darling four year old [who is autistic] little boy does something destructive.

**sidenote**  After not using the dryer since sometime in May, laundry needs some planning out.  I can’t just throw it into the dryer when I need my nicely cleaned clothes dried because I have been hanging it out.  But I have been putting it off because I did not want to go out into the heat. It has been crazy hot this entire week. Today it was 101°F in the shade of my driveway and I just didn’t feel like going out there. Overall, I do love hanging out the laundry, and it really is my favorite household chore. >>Be sure to check out my new clothespin bag!<<  I think it’s saving enough money to do this so that I can run the central air! And with those crazy temps, I need the central air to run.

I have to go downstairs to the washer. I didn’t time myself, but I was gone the normal amount of time that it takes to take laundry downstairs, sort it, and toss it into the washer, and then trek all the way back upstairs.

It could not have been that long, but when I came back upstairs my nine year old was vacuuming the couch. Apparently, the four year old dumped a box of cereal. What a crunchy mess!  I am very proud of the nine year old’s initiative to clean up after his brother, but was it, perhaps, because he knew that he should have kept a closer eye on him?

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